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What is the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU)?
IRCU is an indigenous, national faith-based organization founded in 2001, uniting the efforts of religious institutions to jointly address issues of common concern
Is Inter-Religious Council of Uganda a religion?
No, IRCU is a platform for Faith-Based institutions which have chosen to work together to further the mission of God: of love and care to His creation.
Which religious organizations are members of IRCU?
IRCU's member organizations are the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Uganda, the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, the Uganda Orthodox Church, Seventh-day Adventist Uganda Union, Born-Again Faith in Uganda, and the Association of Pentecostals and Evangelicals in Uganda.
What is IRCU’s Main Objective?
IRCU envisions a divinely peaceful, united, prosperous Uganda where all people enjoy full health and freedoms and seek to serve the common good.
How is IRCU governed?
IRCU's governance structure includes the Council of Presidents who are the trustees. They have entrusted their powers to the Executive Board to oversee the operations of the Secretariat. The secretariat coordinates and implements the institution’s strategic plan and runs the day to day affairs of the council.
What programs does IRCU run?
IRCU runs several programs focusing on peace and governance, public health, community mobilization, Spirituality & Mindset Change, livelihoods and Environmental stewardship, investment and enterprise development, and gender, women, and youth empowerment. It also has initiatives for emergency response and disaster preparedness.
How does IRCU work?
IRCU delivers services through religious leaders and Faith-Based structures, which cascade down from national to the grassroots levels. Among the religious based institutions through which IRCU delivers services are; health facilities, universities, schools, Vocational and tertiary institutions and regional and district governance structures (dioceses, deaneries, fields and Muslim districts, counties and villages).
How can one get involved with IRCU?
Individuals and organizations can get involved with IRCU through various means, including participating in their programs, attending events, donating, or joining as members or partners. Specific opportunities and contact information are available on our website.
What is IPEACE Uganda?
IPEACE UGANDA is the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda Peace and Leadership Training Institute. It was established during the National Conference on Sustainable National Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace. Established in 2009, the Peace and Leadership Institute aims to empower religious leaders and other stakeholders with faith-based approaches to building sustainable peace and promoting social transformation in Uganda.