- +256414342877
- secretarygeneral@ircu.or.ug
Networks and Partners
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//Faith-Based Service
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At national level, such networks include the Institutionalized Faith based Organizations and their affiliated structures, the regional interfaith networks and District level interfaith committees. These networks and structures provide a mechanism for enhanced faith based involvement in addressing developmental issues through coordinated approaches, coherence of effort, maximization of synergy and sharing of resources
At Regional and International level, IRCU is affiliated to Religions for Peace International headquartered in New York and the African Council of Religious Leaders in Nairobi. IRCU is also the secretariat for the Great Lakes Inter-religious Network GLIRN) and the East African Community – Inter Religious Council (EAC-IRC).
Participation in these initiatives is mainly focused on promoting peace and good governance as well as issues of sustainable human development that affect humanity. Similarly, IRCU works on issues of women and youths through their networks of Uganda Women of Faith Network, and Uganda Interfaith Youth Network. These networks are affiliated to African Religious Youth Network (ARYN) at regional level, the Global Youth Network (GYN) and Religions for Peace international.
Partnerships that have facilitated service delivery include: Uganda AIDS Commission where IRCU serves as a Self-Coordinating Entity whose role is to coordinate all FBOs in Uganda in the context of responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Similarly, IRCU representation spans areas such as National Prevention Committee, the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, the Health Policy Advisory Committee (HIPAC), the Civil Society Inter Constituency Committee (CICC) and at the Civil Society Fund Steering Committee; and the National Gender Based Violence Reference Committee in the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.
IRCU is also a member of the Uganda National AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO). The Institution also works closely with line ministries such as the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development. IRCU is engaged in partnership with Management Sciences for Health (MSH) under STAR-E project, ICCO and IRISH AID. IRCU will continue to develop sound collaboration with likeminded organizations. These will include development partners, international FBOs, NGOs and government.